Friday, 26 May 2017

Weekly reflection

This week was a cracker!!

The one and only STEVE GURNEY! and another guy called RICHARD! I don't know his last name but he is a fitness trainer came to room 8. It was an amazing experience he told us about his life storeys and experiences and they were amazing he won the coast to coast 9 times in a row if you don't know what the coast to coast is it is where you basically have to run bike and kayak from the serpentine all the way to Christchurch. You have to run through a mountain kayak through the Waimakariri River and lots of other things.
Anyway, on Monday I wasn't at school because I was sick and had a cold. But on Tuesday I came and I volunteered at the S.P.C.A and the kittens were soo cute and we are adopting one called Maverick but we are changing the name to Ted we have already adopted one from the S.P.C.A, it will now be our 4th cat. And Wednesday was the day that Steve and his Richard came. On Thursday I didn't come to school because my cold got worse so yeah but here I am today. Next week we are going abseiling and rock climbing and the week after we are going rafting which I am pumped for so yeah that is the end of my weekly reflection.

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