Tuesday, 24 May 2016

cookie monster story

As mummy reads a book to me while i lay in bed i see something moving in the wardrobe. I scream and mum said what what what’s wrong honey i i i in th th th the war war war wardrobe I stammer in terror.

she gets up and turns the light on and my eyes have to adjust because i had my touch lamp on low.  Then mum goes and turns the bright light. I am blinded by the burning yellow light. As I rub my eyes she has a look in the wardrobe then out jumps the…cookie monster and he said

“me need cookies now or me kill you” so mum ran and  grabbed some cookies and sprinted back into the room and...zachary was gone!!!

Then mum said “you ain’t havin no cookies.”

IT was obvious that Zachary was inside the cookie monster because you could see the cookie monster’s stomach moving as if there were some one inside (which there was). You could almost see the outline of Zachary’s hands and feet in the monster’s stretchy stomach skin. Gag, gag, gag, blagh the cookie monster vomited  up zachary and he was covered in saliva then his mum said to zachary duck down and crawl over beside me he did and his mum had a pistol in her hand and she attempted to shoot the cookie monster but the bullet just went straight through him and then the hole closed up.  So she ran and grabbed her rifle and had another shot this time a huge splash of red goop erupted from the cookie monster but the cookie monster was smart cookie and ne had some tomato sauce hiding under his arm and when he got “shot” he squirted tomato sauce so it looked like blood splurting out.  By now he was on the ground and he hopped back up onto his feet the cookie monster seemed invincible.