Dear subway,
I am writing this letter to complain about my lunch order from last Friday.
I love your buns they are delicious but the only time i don’t like them is when…
You don’t put anything in them!
last Friday i was at technology at the high school and i was really hungry. We came back and i went inside the classroom to get my lunch, opened up my subway and then looked at my bun. I thought it looked different to usual and i looked a little more closely and then opened the bun up and I noticed...nothing, there was nothing whatsoever in it!!!
On my order i ticked: white bread, lettuce, cheese and turkey. You did one thing right, i got white bread but none of the other fillings. I understand that people make mistakes but I hope you don’t do this often. It is important for kids to have food because they need fuel to keep them going the whole day and they don’t like being hungry and i don’t think that you like being hungry either!!!
Thank You for taking your time to read this letter.
Kind regards Tess from Paroa school.